Monday, January 22, 2007

Jack has a brother? Did I miss that last season?

Oh yeah - now I remember why I didn't want to create

Because I have nothing to say that I feel warrants being publicly published. And when I do have things to say, I will usually seek people out to speak with. (My friends that have been on the receiving end of my long rambling messages that end with "oh yeah, this is Kara...(insert my last name) case you know more than one Kara...your friend from high school/work/college" know this.) (Have I mentioned how much I love living alone? Seriously. Try it sometime. You'll like it...or your money back.)

I'm a little hyper-vigilant about my privacy since an incident in college when some psycho got my full name from my email, checked me against Walgreens' records (he worked there), and then proceeded to send me a message saying that I had a clean mental health history because I hadn't been prescribed any antidepressants. But then he asked if anyone in my family had any allergies....

But the Kara brand of hyper-vigilance involves me having a public myspace, a flickr account that stupidly says my full name (and they won't let me change it) and my email is still my full name. (Although, I no longer slum it with Yahoo. I'm looking at you, people who aren't using gmail.) I am just a very paranoid, very accessible person.

Yeah, so this was like a long rambling phone message. I'm beginning to be embarrassed about this whole thing.


Anonymous said...

I feel like that yahoo comment was directed at me.

More importantly...our three hole punch is missing. I am fucking flipping out. I sent an all dc staff email. That is how serious this is. It has been a week and I still haven't heard. Any advice?


kara said...

I can't deny it - you were one of the people the yahoo comment was directed at. But you have gmail now anyways, don't you?

The 3-hole punch is gone?!? That is bad. My advice is to actively search the desks of all of your coworkers. Thoroughly.

But it's probably in the freezer.