Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Moving Walkway Is Ending

I am in the habit of getting too excited about small things. I almost feel bad for people who are around me when I use my lovingly-clipped coupons. The Legend of Triple Coupon Weekend will never die. And I feel even worse for those that I force to use my coupons on their own purchases. But seriously - that's 60 cents back in your pocket, sir.

But I digress. I LOVE to go into the airport when I pick people up. I think I got this habit from my parents - it was always very exciting to come down the escalators in the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport and see my parents waiting there. People just always look so....something in the baggage claim area. Happy, irritated, tired, whatever - I think it's awesome (for lack of a better word). And everyone is coming from somewhere where they did something. I've always been a fan of hustle and bustle (unless it's too hustle-y and bustle-y...I don't want to be involved in a hustle and bustle that involves people brushing up against me).

It's also much easier to just go in than to attempt to coordinate the timing of a pickup at the doors by arrivals. Something will inevitably go wrong - bags get lost, plane is slightly delayed at the gate, broken wheel on wheeled luggage (okay, that has never happened to me...but I'm sure the wheels on my luggage are just biding their time and waiting for the most inopportune moment to be assholes). Doing laps around the airport is such a bad idea. It stresses me out just thinking about it. DC and Seattle have cell phone lots where people can wait until they get the call and then drive in to the airport. Makes perfect sense to me, other than the fact it robs people of the ability to go into the airport.

And it's always so clean by the baggage claim. I really appreciate clean spaces.

Andy and I went to pick up Casey last night at the airport and poor Andy had to listen to me talk about this for about five minutes straight. And 48 hours earlier, he was on the receiving end of my excitement about coupons. What a trooper.


Casey Boyd said...

so THAT's why you were so insistent on parking.

kara said...

It's just easier.

Wait, am I allowed to comment on my own web journal?

Anonymous said...


kara said...

Dear anonymous,

It's whatever I want to call it.

Wait - are you Matt Lauer!!?!?!



TJP said...

I think both Matt Lauer and Tom Cruise would agree that it's a blog. They would, however, argue as to how best get you to admit it's a blog.


Now if you'll excuse me, "I'll be in the hospital bar."

Anonymous said...

makes me think of love actually...sigh....

kara said...

Tim, stop being glib. You're just being glib. Do you KNOW the history of "blogs"? I've studied the history of "blogs".

Ugh, pretending to be Tom Cruise is exhausting. I need to go watch Love Indubitably to unwind.