Saturday, January 13, 2007

No solutions

I make no secret of the fact that I sleep with my television on because I'm afraid of ghosts. (I thought I saw a ghost at my last apartment and since then, I always sleep with the television on all night...I used to just set the sleep timer, but that was before I saw the ghost). But last night, the television was working against me in my plan - I woke in the middle of the night to a program about ghosts. More specifically, it was a program about people talking about their encounters with ghosts. It freaked me out, so I turned the tv off.

So, I just sat there for awhile, completely convinced that there were ghosts in my condo, and not sure what to do about it. So I did what any self-respecting 25-year-old would do: I turned the tv back on, changed the channel to MTV, put my sleep eye-cover-thing back on, covered my ears with pillows and went back to sleep.

I also got a flat tire yesterday. Anyone who has spent time with me in the car while I'm driving on a freeway knows that I used to frequently (I stopped letting myself do this as often recently - big mistake) roll my window down slightly, and then ask my car companion if they thought it sounded like I had a flat tire. I never did.


I'm still trying to decide if this means I should change my ways (no tv at night, no rolling down window) or if I should step it up a notch (louder tv! more rolling down windows!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm completely paranoid about flat tires as well. My paranoia was made worse this past summer when, while driving on 94, I tried to stifle my fears only to have the guy in the car next to me start honking like crazy to direct my attention to, you guessed it, my very very flat tire. As if my often unjustified fear of flats and my newly acquired fear of being embarrassed about failing to acknowledge my flats weren't enough, I also don't keep a spare in my trunk. I really don't know how I've gotten this far in life. On a brighter note, I'm pretty thankful you got that flat. The time delay it caused saved me a return trip across town after I had finally ended (or so I thought) the week from hell. You're the best.