Monday, January 8, 2007

I saved 3.25 this week

UPDATE: Well, my my my. Heloise, I'm on to you. Two days after I post an entry about coupon and coupon organization, you put an entry about coupon organization in your column. Imagine my surprise when I opened the Star Tribune yesterday at lunch, ready to read all of the advice columns (I LOVE advice columns) and there it was, staring back at me. No, it's okay Heloise. Don't worry. But just know that I'm watching you. And I got an A in self defense.

The wonderful Ken has suggested that I write an entry about coupons. And since I am in the midst of avoiding applying for law school (you'd be surprised how much time I devote to NOT applying), I am more than happy to write about coupons.

And before you get all "Kara, coupons are so lamesville" - just remember that if you ever need a coupon, I will be the first in line to give you one. And it won't be expired. Because I throw away all of my expired coupons every Sunday morning. Duh.

How To Acquire Coupons

Well, I'm old-timey, so I get my coupons from the Sunday Star Tribune. You, being a young and connected person, may want to buy yours on eBay. Yes, on eBay. Perhaps you need some ultra-portable laundry detergent? (Actually, I just bought that yesterday and I didn't have a coupon. Now I feel like a fool.) Or maybe you just want some general coupons. (Not a bad idea, for the coupon-user on the go.) I think you can also print them off of websites, but what's the fun in that?

How To Use the Coupons

Well, duh. But, beware. Of course, different stores have different policies. For those of you lucky enough to live in the general vicinity of The Best Grocery Store in the World, Harris Teeter, you can (unless this policy has changed since October 2005) DOUBLE all double-able coupons valued under $1.00. This, of course, makes 75 cent coupons very valuable. Treasure these, my friend. The 75 cent coupon is your new best friend. (Sort of like how Jello is my new best friend, thanks to WeightWatchers.) (BTDubs, look at Harris Teeter looking out for you and protecting you from whatever "coupon fraud" is.....aren't we lucky to have such a crusader in our midst?) Of course, HT does occasionally have Triple Coupon Weekend - just know that Triple Coupon Weekend can change your life.

But for those of us who live in an area with sub-par grocery stores, they will only double up to 5 coupons, valued at less than one dollar, on Wednesdays. Yeah. Sucks to be us, guys.

And don't think you're limited to grocery stores - I regularly use coupons at Target.

How to Easily Store Your Coupons

I store mine in something that vaguely resembles this, but is much much smaller - dare I say, it's coupon-sized. However, investing in something fancy is fun, so why not buy the Coupon Organizer? Or maybe you want the World's Ugliest and Most Cumbersome Coupon Organizer? (Award-winning? I want to know who is giving out awards for coupon organizers OTHER than QVC.) I move mine directly into the correct section every Sunday in date order, by expiration date. And then I remove the expired coupons.

Okay, so, yeah, those are my coupon tips. When I first started using coupons, I kept a spreadsheet that kept track of how much I was saving each week. (Did you know that I'm THAT nerdy?) I eventually stopped doing that because it felt worthless because I was saving so much money with coupons anyways. Also, I tend to lose receipts, so it was hard to keep track of it.

I feel like I should write into Hints from Heloise - I would BLOW THE MIND of some of those readers.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kara! Best blog entry to date. I am going to start using coupons now. I think I will start asking you a question each week, so you can inform us all and make our lives better. Much love! Ken

Anonymous said...

i know what you are getting for christmas next year......

kara said...

Ken - I think you should definitely ask a question each week. You know my areas of expertise [grilled cheese sandwiches in the Golden Triangle, how to most accurately accuse coworkers of stealing office supplies, office supply theft prevention (from a desk, not from a store), and my love for the Express (or whatever that mini version of the Post was called - oh god, I'm THAT far removed from DC that I don't remember what it's called)].

Dustin - I sincerely hope the last part of that sentence is "...a Nintendo Wii."

Anonymous said...

Kara! Guess what!

It was TRIPLE COUPON WEEKEND at HT this weekend!! I saved over $30 with my coupons, and that's on top of the $36 I saved using my VIC card. Whee!!

AND on top of that, it was the last week to qualify for the luggage giveaway, so I walked out of the store with a 3-piece luggage set: a 26" rolling suitcase, a sizeable carry-on, and a hanging organizer. I am so ready to head off on some worldwide travels now.

I actually use a 3-ring binder with a handle to organize my coupons. I found that the coupon-sized ones just didn't meet all my essential couponing needs.

In short, HT rules. That is all.

P.S. Also I love the CVS ExtraCare card.

kara said...

Kristen - I just about passed out with joy when I read your comment. All of that AND it was the final qualifying week for the luggage!?! Amazing.

And I want to hear more about this 3-ring binder situation you have - I agree that the coupon-sized organizer doesn't cut it. Although, my coupon organizer did cut me this weekend and I have a wound on my thumb to prove it.

TJP said...

The CVS Extracare card is the work of the devil.

TJP said...


kara said...

I have a hard time coming up with stuff to write about. Although, I'm currently keeping track of how many "above and beyond" conversations I have with service professionals (but not people that I deal with while I'm at work) - so far, the total is 3.

Anonymous said...

I should have mentioned this when we were talking about your coupon entry at dinner, but Aaron and I saved 63 dollars last time we bought groceries. I'm sure Aaron would attribute this to the fact that he stayed home to organize the coupons and type out the grocery list. But you know what I call that, Carlson? Hating my parents. Yeah, that's right, I said it.

kara said...

So Kristen saved $66 dollars and Katie saved $66 dollars using coupons and/or the VIC card (specific to Kristen only). My $3.25 seems extra lame now. But I think we can all learn from this - if you're not using coupons, you're making a huge mistake.