Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I've Always Been Boring

Once upon a time, I was nine years old. The year was 1990. For some reason, I felt like I should keep a journal. And my, it was chock full o' interesting tidbits. Here is a sample:

“The Property of Kara and only Kara’s. I will never give it away.”

January 1, 1990

“I got up at 7:00 and watched TV a little bit. Me my mom and my dad cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. My sister didn’t. I cut some threads off a towel. I helped a lot. Then I sat around. My Grandma and Grandpa and Ron and Roger came over. 9:15. That is the end.

[My sister was six. Clearly, she was a lazy child and did not cut as many threads as I did.]

January 2, 1990

“I got up at 7:30. I watched parades. We went some places. Mom came home. We went to Menards. We went to eat. We went to Hardees. Then we came home.”

January 3, 1990

“I got up erly. I didn’t now when to go to be case I had to go to Cherly’s. So I went to Cherly’s. We sleighing. I had fun. Then we came home.”

April 10, 1990

“I got up at 5:45. Last day of school. To bed at 8:30.”

April 11, 1990

“I got up at 5:45. I have to go to Cheryl’s house. At school we didn’t have any work; almost. It was exciting today. It was our last day in school ‘til Tuesday. We went looking at bikes. I settled on a straight handled bike, at K-Mart. I almost got an ugly one from Farm & Fleet. I got to bed at 9:30.”

April 12, 1990

“I got up at six (as usually). I don’t know why I keep on thinking about Kris L. I went shopping today. It was really exciting. It is Grandma’s birthday. We had to put up basketball hoops. I went to bed at 9:00.”

June 23, 1990

“Up at 8:00. But I think I am more excited about tomorrow. You could guess, but no time. Picnic time! Roger is staying at our house tonight. We went to the graveyard. Today is exciting. Once in a lifetime. Bed at 10:30.”

[This one is my favorite because of the sarcasm. At least, I hope it's sarcasm. Picnic time!]

June 24, 1990

“Up at 6:30. Yesterday I wrote “Picnic Time.” I meant Wolf Family Reunion.”

July 23, 1990

“Up at 5:45. Went to pick up Laura. Didn’t do much.”

July 27, 1990

“I have no idea what time I got up. April 12th, last year, I just happened to mention Kris L. I’ll tell you why I think of her. She stinks! Anyway, I had a birthday party today and I went the fair.”

[I really enjoy how I yadda-yadda-yadda'd past the birthday party and fair to bitch about Kris. Who must have been a total bitch.]

October 18, 1990

“Got up at 7:00 Got read for school. We had different classes. I had art. We did splatter painting (didn’t have it!). Bed at 8:30.”

October 19, 1990

“I got up at 7:00. We got ready for school. We got on the bus. We had different classes. Bed at 9:00.”

October 24, 1990

“Up at 5:45. Got ready for school. Went to Ceryl’s. I went to school. We had different classes. I came home. Bed at 8:30.”

December 25, 1990

“Got up at 6:00. I got a microscope, pencils, slippers, yo-yo and more.”

[Nerd alert.]

December 28, 1990

“Up at 6:00 Went shopping. I don’t know why but I think I’m more independent. Sheila’s birthday. She has the features of Lisa. We went sledding for the first time this year. Bed at 9:00.”

December 29, 1990

“Up at 7:30.”

Wow, I had the world's most boring journal. I imagine this is what a prison journal might look like. Apparently it was very important that I chronicle the time I got up and went to bed. DETAILS PEOPLE.

And what was my adorable younger sister writing about when she was eight?

January 3, 1992

“Well, my Dad is working. My sweat puppy Max is playing in his great kennel. I just wrote a story called “Your NO fun!” and my first day of school! When I grow up I’m going to be a puppy doctor. Oh, how much fun I’ll have. Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo!”

January 7, 1992

“Some days are sort of hard for me but I live through them. I just love my dog, Max Alexander. I love my name. My mom is very pretty. My dad is handsome. My sister is weird and my dog is cute.”

May 30, 1992

“Today was a good day. We went to Fleet Farm, Dairy Queen, St. Mary’s school and Shopko. I am very, very tired. I think I will sleep good tonight! I wish I was in 6th grade so I could stay up later but I am only in third grade! Yesterday was our last day of school!”

Her journal is so much sweeter than mine. Exclamation point!

Also, she called me weird. That's so polite of her. (And thanks to Erin for transcribing the journals and making sure that they were passed around to Mom and Dad while I wasn't there to defend my boring-ness.)


Unknown said...

I started many journals, but I doubt I would be able to find one from when I was 9. I do know that I was a committed writer - each day lasted for pages and pages. I think that's why the habit never lasted longer than a week... what I'm getting at is that I'm really impressed that you kept yours going, and were able to find it.

kara said...

Collin - I think you've mastered how to properly journal.

Erin - Yeah, I don't know why I kept going. And technically, my sister found it when she was cleaning out our library at home. Wow, I can't believe you wrote pages at a time. Clearly, I didn't/don't have that kind of commitment to writing.