Friday, July 13, 2007

Day Two

So, my mom is the JV softball coach in Altoona. Also, my mom is one of the nicest people in the world. You may have met her. She's really nice.

Anyways, four idiot teenage girls from her softball team have tried FOUR times to toilet paper my parent's house. Now, setting aside the fact that these girls were stopped by the police walking along a county road with an ass-load of toilet paper (haha), they're obviously not very bright, regardless. My parents are going on vacation next week and my sister and I will be holding down the fort. So, there's a good chance that the idiots will TP the house when my parents aren't even there. And we will have to deal with it. Hell hath no fury. I HATE teenagers.

And how convenient - I will be in Eau Claire/Altoona for five days next week with nothing to do! And if you know me, you know that I enjoy having something to focus my irritation on. So, I've come up with a four-step plan to dealing with these idiots:

  • Call the police. Give a detailed statement and be sure to detail the number of hours my sister and I will spend attempting to get toilet paper out of the beautiful trees.
  • Look up their names in the phone book, find their houses and tell their parents what their idiot teenage girl did to my parent's house.
  • Write a letter to the Head Sports Guy at Altoona and explain the unsportsman-like behavior of these girls. Encourage that they never be allowed to play sports again at Altoona.
  • Sleep on the couch with a flashlight. With Kirby near me, so I can get him barking at a moment's notice.
Wow - is it wrong that I'm almost hoping that they TP the house while I'm there? I would LOVE to do this stuff.

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