Sunday, June 10, 2007

I've Been Trying to Replace That Lightbulb for Months

I am the world's laziest person-who-blogs. But let's change that, kids! Here we go!

Hmmm, okay, well, let's outline various consumer-related activities:

  • I went camping with Rachel, Erin, Annette, Andy and Casey. It turns out that I really enjoy canoeing. But anyways, the consumer-related part of this is that the bathrooms at the campground had helpful tips and tricks in each of the bathroom stalls about remedies used by Native Americans, how seeds get planted and amphibians. I believe that wildflowers were also discussed on these flyers. Overall, camping was lots o' fun. But by the time we were leaving, I was getting a bit surly and a discussion about whether me and Andy's chicken fingers would have breading on them or not almost came to blows, so I think it was good that we went home. I love electricity. Other highlights of camping included The Pearl (which is what we called the bathroom, thanks to Andy), the world's best panty raid, the food, the rainy hike and ticks' attraction to Casey.
  • I got my hair cut and cellophaned. Anyone who knows me knows that flattery is the way to my heart. And my hair stylist knows this. She's so smart. Anyways, apparently, I've been taking very good care of my hair and she said she was very proud of me. She also said that I'm the only true natural strawberry blonde that she'd ever cut. I gave her a very large tip.
  • I've been buying groceries for about the last month now. Since I eat the same thing for every meal, it makes it very easy for me. And I finally decided on a supermarket: SuperTarget. SuperTarget is the best solution to my grocery problems - the bag the groceries for you, but they don't insist on pushing it out to your cart for you (I'm looking a you, Lunds), they have great off-brand products and most importantly - I can also buy lightbulbs at an affordable price while I'm there.
  • Andy's birthday was yesterday! And one of the notable events was that we played LazerTag (tm) at Grand Slam Entertainment in Eagan. First of all, Andy has a calling and it is laser tag. He was really good. I'm sure this will come as a shock to everyone that I was really bad. I spent a lot of my time recharging my laser tag ensemble after Andy shot me ten times. Fun times!
So, that is my update. I'm enjoying this warmer weather, but I think everyone should be prepared to hear more complaining from me soon re: this heat.


Unknown said...

For some reason, I feel the need to point out that I was worse at Lazer Tag than you were. And I was the only one of use (over the age of 12) who had ever played before. True, I hadn't played since I was 12, but still.

kara said...

I don't think I'd played since I was 12 either. But I say we go again soon! We could buy the "unlimited" passes and play for three hours straight!